lest you think that i have it all together by the way i only post events that are picture worthy (i mean really, who takes pictures of failures), here is a shining moment of failure. and i would have a picture, but you aren't allowed to use cameras or phones in the locker room...
so manning is super, super excited to have his first swimming lesson. he was really sad when his first one was cancelled due to weather and gets sad that he doesn't get to swim with the big boys when they go to lessons on tuesdays. we were both really excited last thursday when he was actually going to get to have his first lesson! he was telling (and showing) me that he was going to kick his legs.
the plan was for me to drop him off for his lesson in the 'small pool' and then i would swim laps in the 'large pool' while i waited for him - only 30 minutes. wednesday night i packed up all of our swim supplies (suits, swim diapers, towels, etc.) and shower gear for afterwards before double-checking the lesson time. i had it in my head that lessons were at 9am so i was really glad that i double-checked because the calendar showed 9:45am and then i confirmed that there were adult laps open during his class. yes, we were all set.
in the morning we got everyone off to school and were at the ymca by 9:05am. since we were pretty early, we went up to the "block room" where they have lots of foam blocks for the little ones to play. we had the place to ourselves and manning was a little sad to leave for swimming until i told him that it was time for swimming and he couldn't get down there fast enough.
i was a little embarrassed to sit on the bleachers and wait for class in my suit since all of the other parents would be dressed, but was excited to get to swim a few laps. he was just beaming in his suit and with his towel draped around his neck. i wanted to take a picture but remembered that i couldn't take one in the locker room and had no pockets to take my phone with me to the pool since i was wearing a swimsuit too. i would just have to get one after class.
when we went out of the locker room to the pool, i saw that all of the parents were in suits. what are the chances that all of the other parents planned on swimming laps? not great. and then i thought that maybe this was a mommy and me style class and i had just missed that in the description. possibly. yes, this was a mommy and me class, just not ours. we had missed his class! it was at 9am. somehow it was wrong on my calendar. i was just relieved that he didn't cry as we left. we were both very disappointed as we took off our dry suits and bundled back up to head into the cold.
oh well. at least i won't get the time wrong next week! love.