Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
i am lion, here me roar!

she did a really good job of roaring nice and loud when asked what a lion says. she also did a nice job of saying "woof" to her friend jack who was dressed as a dog. most of the kids made "woof" noises for jack (jack is on the left holding his little sister claire dressed as a peapod).

after her nap we got the most wonderful gift from her friend lorelai! - small gloves! they were the smallest gloves i had ever seen and fit madelyn perfectly. she was so excited to have them on that she kept showing daddy and doing a happy dance. here is some of the excitement captured in this video. love.
Friday, October 24, 2008
the 15 month check-up at 16 months

34 - 3/4 inches tall (off the charts at 99.93%)
26lbs. 12oz. (89.6%)
48.6 cm head circumference (98%)
(she is also wearing 2T/3T clothes and a size 7 shoe.)
we talked about other developmental milestones to see how madelyn is doing. she was impressed that madelyn is working hard at trying to walk up and down the stairs while holding the handrail. and not to brag, just to document for future reference, madelyn has the vocabulary of a two year old at over 50 words. and that is not including her signs and animal noises which the doctor counts as "vocabulary".
poor kid had three shots and then had to go to the lab to have blood drawn. they made the mistake of getting her all set and then undoing it to find someone else to hold her arm still while i held the rest of her still. she was too antsy by the second attempt and got upset before they ever got the needle in. all in all she did great and even said "bye" through her tears and waved when we left the lab. she really had no reaction to the shots this time, she was just her normal self all day.

this morning i decided to capture her bed hair for you to enjoy. love.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
we had such a nice day, but i am too tired to post very much - sorry. she was in good spirits, i got a lot of work, work done, we watched the digger truck readying a lot for a new house, and we went to a fun girls only play date this afternoon. love.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
after dinner treats

it starts with her back and forth "hi" game, then comes the lap hugs where she comes over and hugs our leg and/or lap with the "hi", then she points at us while saying our names ("dad", "mom"), and then comes the dancing to signal that she is getting full and ready to play. we quickly get her hands and face clean before she starts getting her toys involved in the action once the dancing begins.
tonight she was especially silly! she had gotten a halloween package from papa and nana late in the afternoon and she really got to checking everything out after dinner. (i just realized when i sat down to post that i didn't take any pictures of the halloween gifts - sorry.) they sent her several things, but one was a bear dressed as a pumpkin that had a curly ribbon coming out of the top of the costume as a vine. this was the first game. she would pull out the ribbon and then let it bounce back while matt and i yelled "boing!" leading to lots of laughter and giggles. after that she worked her way up to our laps (we were sitting together on the couch while she was running around playing) and was showering dad with hugs. next she got down and i asked if she was going to give dad kisses. she immediately turned around and ran at full speed towards matt - we were expecting a kiss - instead she lunged at his lap before turning back around and running to the fireplace laughing hysterically! but then she turned and ran back to lunge into his lap before going back to the fireplace. i had to try and get some video and thankfully she kept doing it - although she did pause and tone it down when the camera came on. enjoy!
there was lots more running, laughing, and playing so i expect her to sleep really well tonight! love.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
enjoying a sunny day

madelyn and i bundled up and headed to the zoo - of course. after about a half hour is was warm enough for me to take off my coat and maddie's hat, but i kept her in her coat until we got back to the car. it was so gorgeous! not a cloud in the sky and all the fall colors. here are a few picks from the zoo for you warm weather folks...

madelyn had such a great time. her skills of observation have dramatically improved. they have always been really good, but in the past week there has been a substantial jump. we spent more time than normal in the fish and reptile building today. madelyn took her time at each exhibit and seemed to look at every animal and plant available. at one of the fish tanks she kept calling out "turtle" and pointing. i was in the middle of correcting her and saying that there weren't any turtles in that tank when i saw the turtle she was seeing. and for only the second time she showed interest in the snakes. not only that, but she said "snake" instead of "hiss". she was excited running between exhibits with some little boys - maybe elementary school age.

she barely stayed awake until we got to the interstate. and then she slept for three hours. since the sun was still out and it looks like we are going to have more rain the rest of this week, i took madelyn to the park this afternoon. she had a lot of fun crunching the leaves. they had blown into strips or piles and madelyn ran from one to the next stomping her feet. it was cute, but i didn't get a good video. then she had fun trying to keep my sunglasses on her face while swinging.

Sunday, October 19, 2008
kiss it better

Friday, October 17, 2008
veggietales live

Thursday, October 16, 2008
rocks in my pocket

Wednesday, October 15, 2008
the mystery continues

thankfully, after a dose of gas drops and a dose of motrin the night didn't have any more interruptions. and today went really well too. although, there were some rumblings as we were reading books tonight before bedtime so i gave her a dose of the gas drops.
i put a call in to the doctor's office this morning and they said that it was just one of those mystery things that kids pick up and for me just to make sure that she stays hydrated. matt and i are starting to think that it might be some sort of food intolerance - even though there is no obvious possibility and no real changes to her diet. i had thought that it might have been something she ate after the mess last thursday night and have been joking that she must have licked her shoe or something. if she is still having trouble sleeping by thursday night we are supposed to bring her in on friday. so we will see what happens.
while watching me make her lunch today madelyn was "smelling" her strawberry jelly like crazy so i got the camera because i don't think that i have mentioned this interest. she smells everything which has been fun to explore while buying produce at the grocery store or doing anything with clear scents. she doesn't actually "smell" in the video until the end. love.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
madelyn and the nonspecifically grumpy day

for the past several nights madelyn has been waking up crying a painful sort of cry several times a night. it started a night or two before the vomit night and is still a problem. sometimes she cries for only a few seconds before falling back asleep, but most times i have to go an stroke her forehead or rock her a little. last night we gave her a little motrin because she cried three times between 8 and 10pm - totally out of character. it seemed to help and i got my first full night of uninterrupted sleep (5 hours) in almost a week.
so today i thought that we would head to the zoo since we had to go that way for a few errands. she got excited as soon as we pulled into the parking lot and began 'naming' (with their sounds) all the animals we would see. she was practically bouncing up and down in her stroller on the way in, but somewhere between the entrance and the primates building she lost her enthusiasm. usually as soon as we see the gorillas she jumps out of her stroller and runs from exhibit to exhibit after studying each one. instead she insisted on riding in her stroller and when she would get out it would be to come to me and ask to be carried - "b-up" (it used to be just "up", but last week she added the "b"). she also fell down every time she would try to take a step or two. sometime later it occurred to me that i think that she had a growth spurt in the past week - could her feet have spurted as well? um, yes. her toes were so jammed in that she couldn't keep her balance. i think that pair lasted all of two months and we bought them really big! how big can you buy shoes and still have her be able to walk? needless to say we are going shoe shopping this weekend.
after the zoo and errands madelyn was too tired to sit up and eat her lunch, so here she is reclining eating the peanut butter half of her pb&j. she pulls it apart and picks all the jelly off before eating each half of the sandwich on her own. its not the most efficient way to eat a sandwich but she eats the whole thing. you might also notice that we wasn't feeling the texture of her pears today. she would put some in her mouth chew it up for a while and then spit it out on her shirt before getting some more and doing it again. if it wasn't such a mess i would have laughed more.
i thought of something else after i posted last night - madelyn says "hi" during dinner. she says "hi" a lot. when we all sit down for dinner at night madelyn looks at matt and says "hi" (enthusiastically) until matt says "hi" back, and then she looks to me and says "hi" until i say "hi" back, and then back to matt. if you don't respond after about 4 "hi" attempts she will get out of her chair and come over to you in case you didn't hear her the first four times and need her to put her head in your lap for acknowledgement. it is very sweet, but after the 20th time or so it gets a little difficult for matt and i to carry on a conversation. she was doing this tonight while the contractor, jim, was here. she just kept going back and forth between matt, me, and jim. matt and jim were busy going over some numbers and didn't have time for this game so i had to absorb all the "hi"s. she sure is a friendly little kid. love.
Monday, October 13, 2008
more catch-up

finally a pumpkin!

we did wait in line to go into their farm store though. and it was worth the wait! we got some apples, cookies, and their famous apple pie baked in a brown paper bag. let's just say that the pie is not low fat - you can taste the butter. and it is fantastic! i am not much of a pie fan either, but it was really, really good. i think that we will be taking a return trip for a thanksgiving pie or two. love.
we should have stayed in bed

Friday, October 10, 2008
sanitary cycle

Thursday, October 9, 2008

here she is playing in an empty diaper box. she has played with them many times, but this was the first time that she would climb in and pull the flaps down to hide herself better. she is really starting to get the hang of this hiding thing.
then we were trying to get her to march while i was making dinner because she was dancing and we have been "marching" in music class. but when i told her to "pick up her feet" she took it literally and bent over to pick up her feet - she even let out a grunt for her effort! i thought this was pretty funny but when i got the camera she ran to her room and hid in the box. after some coaxing she went along with it.
and then "bonk". madelyn was getting ready for bath time and started crying. when matt went in she was standing near her bed so we assumed that she had bumped herself on the bed railing. then while giving maddie her bath matt noticed that she was starting to get a nice welt on her head. my goal is for her to make it to 5 without a facial scar. i am sure that she was diving into her bed after bear because she was running to her room at full speed after him (dad was carrying him back for bedtime after madelyn had tried to bring him to the dinner table).

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
i live in wisconsin

maddie had a pretty uneventful day - music class, three hour nap, playing at the park, playing in the front yard, dinner, bath, and bed. more later. love.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
every time is something new

it was a blustery fall day and pretty much the only people there were parents of toddlers. when we stopped that the playground in the "family farm" on our way out the 2-5 play equipment was crawling with kids, but the 5-12 set was totally empty. the zoo has put out some halloween decorations so that was something new to see and talk about as we worked our way around to all the animals.
the most entertaining animals of the day were the hyenas. they were pacing around and one of them would do a turn on its hind legs when it got up near the glass. the first time it did this madelyn just looked at me like "what just happened here? that isn't normal." but then we both started laughing as it did it again and again. i bet we watched at least 20 rotations. here is some of maddie laughing at this trick - and asking for it "again".
on the way to the zoo i was singing madelyn songs. when she would call out "again" and "please" i asked if she wanted me to sing, so she said "sing" "please". it is so funny the words she says and the ones that she still doesn't. we can't believe that she doesn't say "bear" with as much as she loves hers and as often as we say "bear". i know that she will say it some day. love.
Monday, October 6, 2008
socks away

dryer update: the electrician came out and it was just a loose wire in the electrical cabinet. yes, that would mean that our old dryer still worked. yes, that means that we spent money we didn't need to. yes, matt may never get over this. needless to say i have been doing laundry ever since the electrical was fixed.
when matt got home he helped sort and fold while i worked on dinner. to keep maddie out of the kitchen for me, matt had her putting away her socks. she made this trip at least ten times, but i decided to get some video right as she was starting to loose interest. we were speculating about what we would find in her room - would the socks actually be in her dresser or just scattered on the floor? watch and find out. (i couldn't decide which video was better and posted them both - the lighting didn't look as bad while i was filming.) love.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
bloody sunday

Saturday, October 4, 2008
first frost

after spending the morning looking at all our options for a new dryer (ours died last weekend), we stopped by "harvest fest" at a local grocery store. we were offered a pumpkin for maddie to paint and thought that we would give it a try. she has been doing really well with her crayons, spent fifteen minutes writing with a pen on some paper, and we were headed home after this stop so a mess could be handled. she did so great! of course i didn't really get any pictures or video of how good she was doing at dipping (she is a really good dipper and has added "dip" to her vocabulary) her paint brush in the paints to paint the pumpkin or how well she did drawing on it with a marker. here is some video of daddy helping her paint.
and here are front (with help from dad on the eyes) and back (all maddie) pictures of her finished pumpkin on our front porch. hopefully, she (the pumpkin) will have a larger friend in the next few weeks.

the lady at the store offered us some ribbon and let maddie pick from two choices - madelyn went for the literal option with pumpkins on it. she is getting so opinionated thanks to all the options we give her for almost everything (clothes, toys, stroller v. wagon, etc.). i stapled the bow on top as a salute to maddie's ever present bows.

she also spoke her first sentence - "mom swing, please". i have been swinging next to her, counting to three, and then jumping off while she is swinging in the infant swing. she asks me to do it "again" and "again", but tonight i got the full sentence request.
last is one more picture of her by the swing because i thought it was cute. love.

Friday, October 3, 2008
new bubble game