Sunday, June 23, 2013

vbs sunday

instead of doing something for the parents on the last night of vbs, they did the whole sunday service with vbs music, shared what happened over the week and had the kids and volunteers sit up in the first few pews.  during vbs the preschoolers (where i led a class of 14 4- and 5-year-olds) had different music than the older kids so we didn't know most of the songs they sang on sunday except from the vbs cd we had been listing to in the car all week.  it didn't stop mason, and a few times maddux, from getting on stage with madelyn to dance and sing.  mason did pretty good since he had never heard this song or seen the movements before this moment.

this video is a little long but it was one the kids' favorite parts of vbs - the 'fun' button.  they were going to do crowd beach balls like they did during vbs but thought it might be too much fun for the regular attendees.  madelyn and mason end up towards the left by the end.  i like the protective arm madelyn puts around mason.  she does that a lot when they are in a large group.

the sanctuary looks small because we are sitting so close, but this is a really large room and the kids had no hesitation at all about getting up on the stage.  i guess they are actually planning on making something like this a regular thing beginning in september where it will be a 'family' service every five weeks.  it should be interesting to see what that looks like.  love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A great experience for them! Love to see them so comfortable up on stage. :) Nana