Thursday, June 6, 2013

veggie love

we order fruits and veggies that are delivered to matt at work (sort of like a csa but we get to choose what we want each week).  tonight when he brought in the box the kids were trying to guess what was inside.

"vitamins?" (we order them and they come in a box - the kids love them and we have been talking about needing to order more.)

"it's sort of like vitamins."


"it's sort of like treats."

"raisins! zucchini! fruits and vegetables!!"  with great cheers and much dancing from all three bigs.

mason even broke out an original "yay, vegetables" song.  i ran for the camera because there was so much celebration over vegetables that i didn't think anyone would believe me.  here is the toned down version for your viewing pleasure - seriously, this was toned down.  (we had just finished dinner so the kitchen was extra messy - try not to notice.)

what can i say, they love fresh produce.


1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

Seriously?! Mason's favorite veggie is an onion? Crazy MLG kiddos.