Monday, January 20, 2014

free afternoons

we are saying good-bye to naps. manning has hit the point where a nap during the day makes bedtime impossible so we are working on eliminating them. he is doing alright overall with not having a nap. he doesn't get super cranky or anything but if he stops moving after 4pm, this happens.

so there is officially no 'downtime' in my day at all any more.  while i am a little sad to see nap time go, i am more excited about being able to do things in the afternoon! it will still be a little while before we are 100% done with napping, and it will be awhile before i am brave enough to try public places in the afternoon, but he no longer has to nap everyday.


1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

This would be good and bad for me. I love the down time.