we made it to kansas! (much to nana and papa's delight.) our flight got cancelled on friday night (almost everything out of milwaukee was cancelled due to fog) and that was difficult because our flight was already going to be at bedtime so we had a tired little girl and didn't even get to where we were going. plus, with all the flights cancelled on friday night, saturday morning was a mad house! but at least people were relatively calm and the lines moved fairly quickly.

maddie has already made friends with max the dog. he likes that her hands taste good after she has her food in the highchair and maddie laughs at max when he tries to jump up and get her when she is being held. the picture is of max holding maddie's leg still so that he can lick her foot.
it also hasn't taken her long to get into the presents under the tree. granted, i did pose her next to them for pictures before we went to see santa.
she is already one of the 'boys' (or is she already a 'boy magnet'?)

hanging out with daddy, uncle derek, and papa.
today we went to get her picture taken with santa at the mall and she also rode the merry-go-round with her papa, uncle derek, and daddy.

she actually took a good shot, but they weren't very big on you taking your own pictures (in fact there were signed everywhere discouraging it). so we just has nana and matt stand outside the official santa area and take pictures. unfortunately, this was the only one that wasn't blurry. i will scan and post her official picture when we get back home.
oh! and i almost forgot the most exciting part! maddie is officially crawling! she now uses her hands and knees in a coordinated effort to move herself to where she wants to go. she isn't going very far, yet, but its just a matter of time. i hope to get some video of it tomorrow when there is more light.
time for me to get to present wrapping, so goodnight. love.