Saturday, July 23, 2016

community market day

let's take a long walk to a pop-up market. on the hottest day of the whole summer. not our best idea with super tired, post-vbs kids but it wasn't anything that a giant otter pop couldn't fix on the way home. 

madelyn perked right up when she realized there was shopping. and was over the moon when she found a shop that made aquarium necklaces like the one our kids director wore as a mermaid during vbs. she has a live "moss ball" that she selected for her necklace. i guess they keep them as "pets" in japan and it will grow very slowly over several years.

the king-sized otter pops from a food truck did the trick of turning those frowns up-side-down.

we even saw the blimp on our walk home. a very hot, but very relaxing, way to spend a free day. love.

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