Saturday, July 16, 2016

saturday funday

i have a million and one things to do before vbs starts on monday but these two boys were signed up for a "beach party" at the library this morning. they were pretty excited to be the only ones in the age group for the party from our family. and all of the kids LOVE these library parties.

after listening to some books about the beach and a flannel board story about a seagull, the boys jumped into the crafts. but there weren't terribly age appropriate (the cutting was way too detailed for 3-6 year olds).

i cut the legs and claws, but he did really well with the rest.

the boys, very generously, offered to let me use their sea critters for vbs decorations. they also made some paper tube octopuses and paper plane-like seagull. we took the toilet paper tube lobster supplies home. mommy didn't have enough time for the cutting.

the boys were given little stuffed animal crabs and fruit snacks to take home. and then we were off to pick-up the rest of our crew for another free kids' event today - a visit with bob and larry.

they had fun with a scavenger hunt around the store before enjoying lots of snacks and drinks. manning and madelyn were the only ones brave enough to take a picture with them.

of course, tattoos were a different story...

mason and i dropped off the rest of the family and then went to a birthday party for one of his kindergarten classmates. all of the kids were given a cute little sundae bowl to take home (after enjoying an impressive sundae spread).

her mom was kind enough to send a sundae bowl home for each of our kids! and they were very, very excited at the possibility of ice cream. now when to use them... love.

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