Thursday, July 14, 2016

vbs work day(s)

yesterday we were at church for about 4 hours and today we put in 7-8. and i say "we" because the kids have been troopers. granted, they get to just sit and watch movies while i work, but it is still a long day for them. today i put them to work on some paper chain for the entry.

we weren't the only ones working either. look at the gorgeous glass painting a college student did for us!

my workload today was getting all of the "essentials" together for all 8 preschool (plus one small 2- and 3-year-old class of volunteers' kids). i was sorting worksheets and supplies by day for each classroom (i should have taken a picture). there was also table moving, chair finding and lots of grunt work.

i was also able to assemble some of our paper plate sea creatures that the kids painted for me (mason did most of these).

here is what the kids accomplished today.

one of the sweet ladies who serves in the kids ministry, and sort of mentors me, gave all four kids a dollar to get ice cream on the way home. she praised their good behavior and patience to let me work. they were very, very excited to stop for ice cream! and to pay with their "own" money.

they were so good today (and i am dealing with guilt for parking them in front of a movie all day because i can't have them breaking things) so i let them play in the playplace to burn off a little energy before taking the drive home.

vbs is not for the weak. love.

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