madelyn is funny about being out and about running errands. sometimes she is just into taking everything in and doesn't really smile or 'talk' and sometimes she is just waving at everyone walking by and telling them "hi". i just never know when she is going to turn it on.
the first time we went to "lotza fun" madelyn was all over the place and tried to play with the other kids, the last time we went she just sort of stayed in one spot and played by herself. today she is going with dad and nana, so we will have to see what they report. i have to stay home and work today.

madelyn continues to amaze us with her fascination with climbing - over, under, in, out, on, ... you get the idea. here she is trying to climb up the middle of our bar stools. she has only gotten stuck enough to cry a handful of times. she can usually figure her way back out, even if it means literally backing up. and then she was smiling and basking in the glow of her paparazzi's (nana and dad) camera flashes trying to capture the moment.

easter has come early for madelyn. her nana brought her this neat bunny that plays hide-and-seek (and many other gifts of clothes and books). you turn the bunny on, fold its hat brim over its eyes, and hide it. then it calls out for her to come and find it. she did a great job looking for it and then when she finds it, you flip the brim up and the bunny gives a "whoo-hoo". madelyn really likes it. (it is yellow with a while hat that you can sort of see in the picture and is from hallmark if you want one of your own.)

then she got a package from her grandma z. (and big pop) with some more easter goodies. one was a plastic carrot bat and ball. maddie really liked the ball, but later discovered that the bat could be fun too - seen in the picture. notice that she is 'free' standing with both hands on the bat and not leaning with her belly. before my camera battery died, i got some video of her playing with a big flower they sent too (she was making happy giggles/yells, but i missed that part).
in case i don't get another post up this weekend - happy easter! remember the remarkable power of God and be humbled by his love for us all. love.
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