so i haven't really been doing much updating on manning so here you go. he has three of his four eye teeth now and he has, by far, been the easiest teether! very little drool, very little fussing and no chewing or biting. he is generally a dream kid - very happy and a great sleeper!
when maddux gives me a sweet kiss, manning watches and then smacks me in the face - and laughs. we are working through it and he has almost stopped hitting me for his amusement (i just set him down the second he hits me).
i mentioned that he was crawling away from me at the library and laughing a few weeks ago, well his new 'fun' game is to climb up on top of the table!! what?! i was surprised that he could get up there since he can't manage to get up on the couch or the kid's beds yet. maybe it is because the chairs are firm and not padded? whatever the reason, this is his new skill and he likes to practice. it makes it harder for me to ever leave the room though. i am hoping that this is a short phase.
the same fun is had climbing up the stairs from the basement. he doesn't even want to play down there any more. he just makes a beeline for the stairs the second i set him down. and, yes, he looks over his shoulder to make sure that i see him and then laughs. (are you noticing a trend towards stinker-dom?)
slowly but surely he is walking more and more. he is definitely more interested in walking at this point than crawling and tries walking before resorting to crawling. he loves to walk holding a hand/finger (mine, daddy's, the kids'). he jumps out of my arms the second we approach an elevator because he sees how much fun pushing the buttons is when the older kids are fighting over them. i think that he will flourish once the kids are in school and we can move at his pace without a stroller.
he waves at everyone! he loves waving and saying "hi" to everyone that he passes. he is a friendly little guy, much like mason (our little social butterfly).
when he gets really sad, he will crawl into his room and pull his lovey out between the crib rails for a little thumb time. way to self-sooth, kid.
we sure to love him. love.
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