i must say, i don't work on reading with the kids hardly at all. we spend a lot of time reading books together, but we don't work a lot on them reading on their own. mason seems to pick up sight words very easily so i have been wanting to work with him a little. i finally remembered one afternoon when everyone else was sleeping (a very rare occurrence) and we sat down with some of the little paper books madelyn made in kindergarten. this was the second book we had 'read'. i helped him spell the words and talked about the sounds each letter makes. then he read it through on his own the second time. this is the third time he 'read' it. you can see that he has it memorized at this point. he asked to make this video to send to daddy at work.
this week was "r" week for school so he brought it to school to "read" to his class. he is very proud of himself and we are going to keep working on it. his goal is to practice more than madelyn does and be a 'real reader'. i just makes my heart swell to see him to excited about books. love.
Jon and I read (in a book by Mem Fox) the single most important thing you can do to 'teach' your kids to read is read aloud to them. That is the only thing we have done here as well. I LOVE when kids love books :)
W. Mommy is right -- reading to them is sooooo important. It breaks my heart that so many kids are never read to by their families, or once they can read - no one listens to them read. When they get to Mason's age those repetition books are great. Nana
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