maddie also got to meet uncle josh and aunt adrienne and their dogs, reeses and maya. the dogs had lots of kisses for maddie and she laughed at them a little. we were joking that she couldn't figure out how these stuffed animals moved around so much...
maddie did so good on the flights there and back! on her first official flight, they gave her wings and a certificate for her baby book. she pretty much slept for take-off on the way down and then stayed awake and played with her monkey rattle (and when i say 'played' i mean that she chewed on it like a pharana). and then flying back yesterday she slept for 2-1/2 hours, ate, and then slept for another half hour before she woke up and starting talking and laughing at the tray table (we couldn't figure out what was so funny about it - the sun or the color - but at least she was happy).
and what would a trip to florida be without sunglasses. love.
Great videos and pics! It looks like the adorable cousins have the same nose :)
Hope this is just the first of many trips to Florida, for baby Maddie - she could use a little tan :)
Such sweet pictures and videos - thanks for sharing.
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