it just amazes me the positions that madelyn finds comfortable. today she napped for over an hour holding her toes and sucking her thumb (well her thumb was in her mouth anyway). she is like a little pretzel! maybe that is how she managed to get one leg out of her pjs and her legs out of the crib so often.
she was still a little off from her shots today so she had some trouble getting down for her naps. that is why her elephant joined her for nap time. just a little cuddling and she was asleep.
tummy time has become her favorite way to play. she spends most of her awake time on her belly. and she has gotten good at reaching for her toys and pulling them up to her. she even manages to get her big stuffed blocks over to her mouth for some attempts at chewing them.

this week maddie has a new noise and it is
not a cute one! (well it's a little cute in the way that everything babies do are cute.) she sort of grunts from the back of her throat, but there is no expression in her face. it sounds like she is screaming in anger or is frustrated, but she isn't at all. i am hoping that she will move past this sound and return to her cute 'cooing' sounds. we'll see... love.
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