it has been cute to watch her carefully examine all her toys to try and find their on/off switch. she squats down and tries to look on the underside of her larger toys and flips the smaller toys over looking for the switch - this has become a new game for her. we may have to resort to removing the batteries this winter...
another on/off activity is turning on the clock radio in the guestroom so that she can dance to the music. she usually just goes in and turns it on, but i can ask her to do it too and she will run back to start dancing. she will even dance next to it if she misses the button to actually turn it on. i have been trying to get some video but she always looses focus on the way to the guestroom whenever i have my camera handy.
it rained all day today, so maddie and i had our first taste of what winter could be like for us being forced inside for the day. i did take her to check out another local library that some of the neighbors like and they did have a really fun children's section. madelyn worked really hard at trying to solve wooden puzzles like two older boys sitting at a little table with her. i think that we will make more visits to this library in the future. madelyn was excited about wearing her rain jacket and is curious about her long sleeves after not wearing them all summer.
thanks to shannon for maddie's sock fairy book and fairy bunny doll! she was inspired after reading about maddie's great interest in socks lately. madelyn loved the fairy bunny and gave it kisses (choking a little on a stray feather - more of a cough than a choke really). maybe daddy will read her the book tonight before bed, and i will read it to her tomorrow before nap time. love.
1 comment:
What a smartie pants! I love the wheels a turnin'. Ooh, I don't envy you int he winter months ahead...
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