Wednesday, August 17, 2011

political correctness delayed this post

maddux likes to pass the time when i change his diaper making noise.  now, it is a very distinct action and vocal exercise that creates the sound - only i don't know what to call it.  the problem is that it was called an "indian" call/noise when i was little and i don't know what else to call it that would be understood.  i wasn't sure that "native american" call/noise would get the point accross and i haven't been able to get a good video of him doing it because he often stops if something else becomes more interesting (aka the camera).

he often does it with his fist, but has just started doing it with an open hand.  the video isn't great and you can hear the other little 'indians' trying to get him to do it.

i struggle with remembering not to call everything "indian" out of political correctness.  it is no longer "indian style" when you sit with your legs crossed under you - now it is "crisscross applesauce" (much easier once madelyn started school and i found out what the political correct way of referring to sitting like that was).  and i can't sing "1 little, 2 little, 3 little indians", i have to sing "1 little, 2 little, 3 little (insert any other person, animal or thing)".  this one catches me up almost every time!  it is one of those default songs hard wired in my brain that i sort of sing like one would sing a song that gets stuck in your head.  (you are singing it right now, aren't you? sorry.)

i just wish that there was more than a 'list' of can't-say-any-mores; like some sort of understood substitution 'list'.  am i the only one who struggles with this sort of thing?  love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

What a cutie! Stinkin' camera always throws them off.

Rob Zachritz said...

First, I realized that there are idioms I should stop using. Then, I began to realize it's a challenge. How about "Indian giver." Okay, I'll substitute "Welsher." Wait. If I Google "Welsher," I find what you're thinking: "That isn't proper, either."
For the specific problem: "steam whistle" popped into my head; the organ pipes in the seven dwarve's house. NO. WAIT. Little people. I give up.

mom2mlg said...

i forgot about "indian giver"! that made me laugh.

i wanted to clarify that i am all for not being offensive. i just feel that sometimes we worry about it so much that we are afraid to say anything... (unless, of course, it is on facebook or twitter. or so it seems.)

Machala said...

Hilarious--Briley does this, too, and the boys LOVE to get her going in the car. :)