Thursday, August 11, 2011

peanut butter and jelly

maddux is following in mason's footsteps and eating pb&j early.  i have been letting him eat a little here and there, but over the past week i have been letting him eat a whole sandwich in dime-sized pieces. he puts it away faster than i can get it out for him, so today i gave him a quarter of the sandwich and took a few pictures.  i knew that he was getting tired from his expression.  i just didn't know how tired.

he turned to look at something behind him and never straightened back up.

there was even a stream of drool on his tray.

he readjusted to this pose and i had to take another picture.
i let him sleep like that until the rest of us were done with lunch because we were going to load up and head to the zoo again.  love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

Ha! the readjsutment picture, no, well maybe the streaming drool picture, are my fave :)