Wednesday, August 17, 2011

rainbows everyday

we spent some time at the house today.  we picked daddy up from work, picked up some dinner from chipolte and ate at the house.  the purpose of the trip was for matt to water our new lawn and we all went so that he wouldn't have to miss another night with the kids.

while daddy was taking care of the yard, the kids and i walked through the house discussing where things would go in each room and what activities we would do there.  it was so nice.  it was really the first time i have gotten to take a leisurely stroll through the house and appreciate the details and flow of the floorplan.  it was nice to see maddux crawling all over with us too.

and then we made the most amazing and exciting discovery!  check out the video...

as if madelyn needed one more thing to love about our new house!  rainbows everyday! love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

Aw, that's sweet. I love your, 'Oh buddy...' at the end. :)

Grandma Z. said...

Wow, how special and maddie's favorite!!