i have started playing "1-2-3 ta-da!" with maddux (i have done this 'game' with the other two - if you don't remember it is where i hold them up and count down to letting go). and he has amazing balance! he can stand on his own for about 5 seconds so far and does a little better each day. and he is not just standing on his own, but cruising, willingly letting go and sitting himself back down under his own control. i am still thinking that he might be our earliest walker yet. he doesn't seem to have mason's excellent sense of space and tends to bump his head/face more like madelyn did - only without as much blood.
there isn't a lot of 'steps' to his cruising, but he can move between our limited furnishings while upright. he can also 'walk' with walking toys but likes to do this on his knees instead of his feet.
he is a busy, busy little boy and that makes for a busy, busy mommy! love.
1 comment:
With that 'wing span' he can probably go from one thing to another quite easily :)
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