Sunday, August 14, 2011

of one mind

this happens all the time! this time we were all on the same color wave because madelyn dressed herself, i dressed maddux and matt dressed mason.  all three were dressed at pretty much the same time so we all must have had the same idea for what color went with the day. 

usually matt and i end up matching (i.e. black shirts with khaki shorts) or i end up matching the boy i dressed.  it makes me crazy but it takes so much effort to get dressed in the first place that it isn't worth changing.  oh well, either people think we are cute or crazy.  love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

SO funny you did a post about this because we do the SAME THING!! most recently I've noticed I keep matching Knox. Lots of times, Jon and I match, too. :)

Grandma Z. said...

Too Cute!Maddux is looking so much older. Can't wait to see them all in person!!!