Tuesday, February 28, 2012

and the sicknesses keep coming

on wednesday madelyn came home from school with pink eye.  i took her straight to the cvs minute clinic because i was positive that was what it was and didn't want to try and wait for the doctor's office (plus, cvs is on our way home from school).  sadly for her, she would have to miss a day of school.  the school also had to post a note outside her classroom that someone had pink eye.

it only took one day of eye drops for her to be back to looking normal which was great.  we were definitely on the upswing until maddux and i woke up with a new 'cold' on saturday morning.  it is definitely a different strain and not a flare up of the last one.  ugh!  at least it doesn't seem to be quite as bad as the last one.

we also noticed over the weekend that madelyn was having trouble hearing.  we were actually pretty concerned and were talking about taking her to a specialist for a hearing test.  i called the doctor's office first thing on monday and they said that i could bring her in if i wanted to rule out an ear infection.  i was very doubtful of it being an ear infection since madelyn had been well for about a week and she has always been prostrate with pain and run a very high fever when she has had ear infections in the past.  we thought that maybe she had stuck something in her ear at some point (like a stick on earring) or had some serious hearing loss problem.  nope.  double ear infection!!!!  we were almost finished with all the medications in our house.  so back to cvs we went to get yet another prescription.

but guess what?  today maddux has...wait for it...pink eye!  it isn't bad yet and appears to be in only one eye.  thankfully, i don't have to take him into the doctor's office either; they are just going to call in the drops for me.  but i am not looking forward to wrestling the boy who won't even let me trim his fingernails for eye drops three times a day for a week.  say a prayer for me...

we have easily had more sick visits in the past month than we have had in the past four years!  i can not wait to be over all this mess.  so off i go to disinfect the house for a third time in the hopes of keeping mason (and me) pink eye free.  at this point i feel like i should just call for his drops too.


1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

You poor things! I hope you're on the mend for real this time :)