Saturday, October 4, 2014

home depot workshop

i had totally forgotten about putting it on the calendar, but when the reminder popped up on my phone on our way to soccer, we grabbed the kids' aprons. we have found that the first saturday in october is a great home depot workshop - fire trucks, snacks, giveaways, etc. and the trend continued!

when we got there, the fire and emt trucks were parked out front - score. we had not missed it this year! then we walked in and were offered free hot dogs, cookies and bottles of water. there were tables with local safety agencies (police, fire, etc.) with bags, pencils, keychains - oh, and candy! we built our emt trucks (it was manning's very first time building, doesn't he look excited?) and everyone did a really good job hammering themselves - even manning!

very happy with the finished product.

madelyn and daddy cozied up while waiting for everyone to finish applying their stickers on their trucks.
 next stop was face painting! although all of the kids opted to have their hand painted.

while they were getting painted, i was offered a free pot of mums and a bundle of balloons. matt and i could hardly carry everything on our way out! such a treat! love.

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