Saturday, October 18, 2014

trunk-or-treat #1

i overheard at the ymca that there was a trunk-or-treat at one of the churches we had considered attending and when i saw that it was on a day where we had nothing else planned, we decided to check it out - and give the costumes a trial run. mason is the "golden ninja" from lego ninjago (the only costume i made), madelyn is a make-shift snow white after we ran into trouble coming up with all of the pieces for her intended costume and maddux went as a pirate in a borrowed jack sparrow costume (manning was jake).

it was drizzly and cold but the event was really nice. there was a hay bale maze, a small trunk-or-treat, decorating mini-pumpkins craft, fire pit s'mores, a costume contest, carnival food for sale and some other activities that we never got around to checking out (manning had a nuclear melt-down at the s'mores station and we made our exit).

waiting in line for the trunk-or-treat

taking a craft pumpkin to-go

one of the better decorated trunks - they had lights running through the balloon 'water.'

this was another nice event that we will watch for next year. love.

1 comment:

Grandma Z. said...

What a fun time and love the costumes!