Sunday, February 1, 2015

reading girls

madelyn and i both had personal bests for reading this month. she read 2,436 minutes in january! and i completed 13 novels - actually reading 6 books and listening to 7. i don't know that i can always keep this pace (we have been home more because of winter and work has been a little light so i have had more free time than normal). madelyn even invites me to curl up and read with her at night and i take her up on it when i can. i really love that we can share this.


Witenkling Mommy said...

Great reading to both of you! I can't even imagine reading one 'chapter book' right now, let alone 13. Even on tape.

Candice and Davidson said...

Good for you! I was just telling David I miss being able to sit down and read a whole book in a day. This gives me hope.

Anonymous said...

So nice that you are reading together :) Proud of Madelyn for so many minutes. You must be a speed reader too Michelle!

Our family said...

Funny! You actually keep track of her minutes. I just make it up with Erik, as he clearly reads 4-5 times the expected amount. Maybe I will keep track for a month, just to see.

mom2mlg said...

their teacher publishes how many minutes the top five read each month. madelyn's goal was 2,000 minutes in january. she was determined to be top reader this month.