Thursday, February 26, 2015


after getting tons of complements on my roll out of bed and go look today at the preschool (i curled my hair for church last night and somehow slept on it kindly), i was snapping a quick picture for grandma to thank her for my new scarf when i noticed a big grin in my shot. he's behind me because he isn't feeling his best and cried and begged not to go to school today. i kept him out of church last night and kept him home today because he has been really out of sorts and congested for a few days - he has something going on... the price of staying home was a nap. he fought it for about an hour before giving in and sleeping for two. love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

My roll out of bed look would never look so tame. Cute photo bomber.

mom2mlg said...

this was an instance of the stars aligning because i rarely look even close to presentable rolling out of bed.