Friday, February 13, 2015

date night

our church put on a "date night" for couples with dinner, entertainment (stories and videos), door prizes and a photo booth! we probably would not have gone without grandma here to babysit and it was really nice to have a night out.

two of the videos were so funny that i have to share:

the door prizes were pretty great too. there were relationship books, gift cards and even a night at a local resort. they were joking that if you won the starbucks gift card you would need to bring your spouse. and then said it would look really bad if the winners of the resort getaway didn't take their spouse!

i must say that it was a lovely evening and we are looking forward to some of the future "date nights" planned that will provide childcare. love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

What a great event put on by your church :) And super-awesome that Grandma was there to babysit so you could go :)