Saturday, February 28, 2015

heart ball #2

february is black tie month around here! we are off to our second heart ball honoring one of matt's doctors. this one is for another county where the hospital has a 'mini-hospital' - about an hour of driving. we were expecting it to be a lesser event, but it was surprisingly impressive! instead of a hotel ballroom, it was in a historic ballroom and the food was delicious - steak and crab stuffed lobster. it did take about an hour to serve dinner though - or maybe even longer. it was the only negative on the evening though and the food was worth the wait.

it is rare to go to both but it was nice to have two fancy nights out. love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

Fancy fun! You really should ask someone to take your picture when you're making the effort to get all dolled up. I'm sure even Madelyn on a chair could do it. :)