Tuesday, February 16, 2016

snow day

we were gifted the perfect snow day today! all of the snow fell last night, was enough to cancel school and it was going to be warm enough to play outside all day. look at all of that lovely, wet, sticking snow! 

we ate a leisurely breakfast and suited up to check out how much snow we actually had gotten last night. (poor daddy discovered that the snow blower wouldn't start - we haven't used it in so long - and had to shovel himself out to the road to get to work.) to pass the time the kids and i were outside, i shoveled the rest of the driveway before lunch. we had at least 6 inches and it was much deeper in other locations. i think it had blown a little where i measured with a ruler near the garage.

i got so hot shoveling that i had to take my winter coat off and shoveled for a bit in my tank top and snow bibs. i gave the garbage men quite a show. and just in case you ever wondered who would win a game of chicken between a garbage truck, a recycling truck and a snow blow; it's the snow plow. every time.

mason picked up this huge clump of snow to be a giant snowball. when i looked at this picture on the computer i realized that it was shaped like ohio!

maddux liked making a snow angel better in the deep snow.

we played for at least 3 hours before going in for lunch. i could barely use my arms and hands any more. that snow was heavy!

as soon as we finished up lunch, we suited back up to go outside and attempt a snowman.

madelyn was the only one with patience to make one and protected it with a small wall.

the boys worked on digging a "cave" into the snowplow pile. they made it large enough to fit all three of them.

i worked my way around the sidewalk and up to the front door with the shovel while the kids played for another 2 hours or so. i don't think we could have planned a better snow day! i am so glad that we at least got one this winter. love.

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