Thursday, April 7, 2016

another BIG haircut

it was time. i was starting to feel a little 'sister wife-y' because it was getting SO long. 

i was able to donate 14 inches and lost maybe 16 by the time the cut was finished. this time i donated to wigs for kids which happens to be located in ohio. i spend so much time growing it that i try to research which organization would be the best choice.

i was able to make my appointment while the boys were at preschool. i did tell the kids that i was going to cut and donate my hair. the little boys were not very excited. manning just wanted me to still "look like elsa." maddux was so upset when i told them about the haircut that i almost reconsidered. his reaction after school was pretty much the same:

oh well. at least i like it! love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

Ha! Who knew a child could be so attached to his mama's hair :) I think it looks fabulous. I've been growing mine out for a change but cannot imagine having it that long.