Monday, November 11, 2013


here are just a few things that i wanted to note but were just on the random side...

jokes with no punchlines - at dinner the kids make up 'jokes' but expect matt and i to come up with an 'answer' for the punchline.  like maddux might say, "what did the carrots say to the potatoes?" and then i would say, "orange your eyes pretty", then he says, "no", and looks to matt.  once we come up with something acceptable, they all crack up and someone else comes up with a 'joke'.  i am not sure how this got started, but it is a tough audience!

covered up manning - manning is the first and only child who would willingly let us cover him up with a blanket before the age of two.  he just lays down, waits to be covered up and goes to sleep.  he is BY FAR the easiest sleeper of the bunch!

needs water as soon as we get in the car - for some reason, manning has made the association between getting in the car and having a drink of water.  i think it has something to do with seeing me throw the diaper bag in the front after he is buckled in - he gets a glimpse of his water cup.  but if i don't have water, like when we are just going to be away from the house for 30 minutes or less, he cries for it the whole time.  the crazy thing is that we don't let the kids eat and drink in the car!  he is the only one who has ever been allowed to have a cup in the car.  simply because mommy needs the yelling for water to stop.

gagging himself - kids come up with the weirdest things...  manning's newest 'game' is to put his fingers down his throat and gag.  where does he like to play this very (not) so fun game?  in the car.  there is nothing like listening to dry heaves while you are driving down the road.  sigh.

so there are my tid-bits.  love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

Hilarious typo "Mommy needs the yelling for the water to stop" :)

Anonymous said...

So funny about the jokes at dinner. Sweet about how Manning goes down to bed. Hope he continues to be a great sleeper. And, seriously hope the fingers down the throat comes to an end quickly :) Nana