Friday, December 27, 2013


big pop and grandma were looking for some ideas for the kids this christmas and i suggested that manning might like a microphone toy to carry around. they went one (or more) better with two microphones on a kid-friendly cd player.  

these pictures were before there were even batteries in it.  all four kids played with it for at least an hour and managed to give madelyn a bloody lip - before it was even working!
and then i put some batteries in today.  we learned two things - manning does not like to let the music play and the volume only controls the music, not the microphones.  the microphones only have one volume - loud!

one thing is for sure - everyone around here loves being heard!  thank you, big pop and grandma! love.

1 comment:

Grandma Z. said...

So glad the mics work and i was afraid that they wouldn't be loud enough!!Ha So glad they work and it's fun for everyone!