plus we dropped like $70 on food for maddie today (organics sure are price-y)! among the new foods - kale, eggplant, veggie dogs (read "hot dogs"), and cauliflower. i am just trying to make sure that she gets more veggies and variety in her finger foods. she is at least letting me give her more foods on a spoon again. i am really thankful that was a short phase.
she also had her first sandwich tonight - turkey and swiss on a whole wheat bread. okay - so she didn't eat it in the traditional fashion. each piece was eaten individually, but it was fun to make her a little sandwich! tomorrow i am going to start new recipes for "toddler hors d'oeuvres". i will let you know how it goes. i am starting with a cream cheese ball rolled in ground seeds (and, yes, i might be a little nuts!).
i thought that this video was worth sharing. not only is it cute because she is laughing so hard, but she isn't even watching what matt is doing. she is just laughing at the noise while she keeps right on playing.

lastly, this is the best picture we got today of her walking with only a little support. matt was cleaning out the garage and maddie and i were enjoying the warmer (60), breezy day. her pants are really capris, but she is just too skinny to keep them up (not from a lack of eating though!). she is still getting used to walking with shoes on. she definitely prefers to be barefoot.
good night. love.
good night. love.
I just love her giggle. I'm going to have to try those snap pea things. Lorelai LOVES gerber 'poofs,' as we call them, so a veggie alternative would be fantastic. I'm envious of Maddie's diverse palate. Lorelai is getting stuck in a carb rut. Remember when you we worried about starting solids? Now look at your healthy eater. :) Keep up the good work of providing her with such an extensive menu. Seeing Lorelai snub many new foods I offer discourages me from your ambitious endeavor.
What a great laugh. I love it.
I wish Mason would eat that variety. He is a picky little eater and I can make all the fun stuff and he won't even put it to his mouth and taste it. Keep up the good work. I might have to have Chef-Michelle G come to the Chaplin house and work on my kids!
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