Wednesday, December 24, 2014

christmas eve service

i had read that there would be some fun activities, photo ops and refreshments, but we didn't expect to have photos taken and sent to us! what a treat to get a family photo on christmas eve! 

but the highlight really was the kids getting to be a live nativity. mason and manning were shepherds, maddux a wise man and madelyn the star - of course. 

once maddux saw mason's staff, he stripped off the wise man ropes to get himself in on the shepherd action. here are a few i snapped with my camera:

and here are some of the shots from the church:

how sweet are they? love.

1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

Fantastic that they not only had photo opps, but took your picture and sent it to you. The kids in the nativity are priceless. Not many families could fill a whole nativity. :)