Friday, December 5, 2014

preschool christmas program - part 1

the two big boys have been practicing for weeks and today they get to show their stuff in a christmas program at school. the church at the school used to have too small of a sanctuary to fit family and extended family so they have a morning performance on friday for "grandparents" and an evening performance on sunday for family. they have a new sanctuary that could fit everyone, but they kept the split performances. anyway, on with the show!

i had to keep manning occupied while we waited for the show to begin. he was a total angel the whole time. i think it helped that it was first thing in the morning and in a new, to him, place. plus, i had lots of crayons and stickers!

the boys stayed up super late last night having fun in their room and were more or less zombies during the concert - like yawning and being several beats behind on the motions. but here are some video clips, enjoy!

and once it was done we went to their classrooms to pick them up and get to their favorite part - the cookie reception! the red 'juice' always makes me super nervous but we made it through with only a minor spill. i am going to try and make sure they take a nap before their performance sunday night! love.

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