another bruise collection is on her left shin (again sorry that the picture is a little blurry). she used to get them from crawling on the fireplace, but she isn't crawling any more and they are still there. i figured out their source the other day - her highchair. her legs are too long to get in it any more so she hits her shin. so this weekend we are upgrading her to a booster seat. she has been eating most of her meals sitting at the table on a kitchen chair for the past week anyway. i am excited about this transition more than matt, but now we will all be able to sit at the table for dinner! woo-hoo!
today madelyn figured out how to open the hinged closet doors. she has been casually trying door knobs and handles since she could first reach them a few months ago, but this was the first time she was able to get a door larger than a kitchen cabinet open. luckily she was just like - look what i can do - and then moved on.
another activity for the day was getting out madelyn's pool. i had a really difficult time finding a flat part of the yard to set it up in, but we finally got it ready for some play. the little girl next door (i think that she is going into third grade) came over to splash with maddie a little bit - which maddie loved! the pool was a lot bigger than i thought that it would be so next time we might have to invite a few friends over so maddie doesn't feel so lonely. as a bonus, i was able to get video of her saying "what's that?" enjoy.
lastly, here are a few of my favorite shots from madelyn's chaotic photo shoot with her cousins at jcp. love.

Those cousin pictures are great :)
Cute JcP pics- you can't really tell there was chaos :) I like the one of them facing each other, too. My - she sure does beat herself up quite a bit. Good thing she heals quickly. I'm curious how the booster goes. Lorelai is in one of those space-saving highchairs that you put on top of a chair, but can still strap her in. I've been leary of moving to the real boosters because then she would be free to try to get out. We still eat dinner together at the table- have been for a while now. And I eat the other meals of the day with her there.
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