many (many) times a day, madelyn will go and get her shape sorter and bring it to me. she wants me to lift the lid so that she can take out one piece (occasionally two) to put back inside. the funniest part to me is that she shows no satisfaction from correctly inserting a piece, but gets extremely frustrated if she can't get it to go in quickly (or if i don't let her get another piece quickly enough). even though she does the rectangle over and over in this video, she can do all of the other shapes too. the video is a little long but i didn't want to edit it down and be accused of taking out all the times she couldn't do it or something. plus, i think that the time between correct completions is entertaining as well. so if you have the time, take a look at my little shape sorter...
obviously i am very easily entertained. and like i said we do this a lot. love.
I can see how you'd find that entertaining :) The look of determination!
impressive. kellie even still struggles with the star one.
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