we played for about an hour and a half and then we went to pick up daddy for a lunch date. he had called while we were there because he had some room in his schedule to eat with us and we haven't been able to do that in a really long time. we had a wonderful lunch at a restaurant we had never been to before. it wasn't really a child friendly place. we sat at a bar table and madelyn did really well sitting at the table. some older ladies even commented about how well she did sitting at the table (we were there for over an hour). and the waitress asked if she could have a treat for doing such a good job; she brought out a little hot fudge sundae for maddie. madelyn was so hyped up on the sugar by the time that we got home that i was worried she wouldn't take a nap (she had dozed in the car for 20-30 minutes on the way to get daddy for lunch). it took two tries, but the day caught up with her and she napped for 2-1/2 hours.
here is my video capture of her saying "happy easter" yesterday. as you can see she wasn't dressed. she spent the day in just a diaper - i wore a fleece all day. she wouldn't sit down for the video until i told her to say "happy easter, lorelai" that is...
i also remembered my other video mission - her climbing the rock wall at the park. she gets up that wall so fast! she doesn't even really need me to spot her any more - not that i would risk stepping away yet. i keep my hand on her back the whole way. mainly because she climbs so fast i worry that she will slip. the wall is at least 7 feet high. maybe i can get some video this weekend when matt can go with us. love.
I personally think she said, "Happy Easter Grandma" better. I see she has another bruise on her pretty forehead. Very cute!
Ok, Lorelai's favorite post by far! she LOVED Maddie saying her name - her eyes just lit up :)
i think one of the best things about naming our kids weird names is hearing other little children trying to pronounce them at the playground. The boy will be something like Huckleberry.
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