i told her that she couldn't take the stickers off the sheet until we got home - and she didn't. not that i was surprised, madelyn is incredibly obedient. still - the allure of stickers is not usually something she can resist.
she fell asleep on the way home from our last stop so she went straight to bed instead of getting to play with her stickers. shortly after waking up she remembered her new stickers and asked for the "mickey mouse stickers". she immediately used them to cover her face (she had removed some from her face and moved them to her shirt before i could get the camera) - this is typical. (she is saying "mickey mouse" instead of "cheese" in the first picture.)

she ended up with a mickey mouse sticker on her forehead for like three hours before she remembered that it was there and took it off.
What is it about stickers that (almost) 2 year olds love????
Stickers are great :)
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