Sunday, July 12, 2009

a few notes...

here are a few things that i wanted to note for later...

- madelyn is very interested in the callouses on my feet. gross - i know. she will even take off my shoes and lift up my feet so that she can feel them and tell me that my feet are scratchy. or she will tell me that they hurt her. i am so glad that i have her here to point out my flaws.

- i had to wrestle madelyn down to brush her teeth last night. not fun. but on the plus side, i did get to see that madelyn's top to molars have come in. i am not sure when exactly they came in, but at least i know that we are done with teething! woo-hoo! at least i think that i am done until wisdom teeth, right?

- big pop and daddy saw mason flip himself over today. again it was his belly to his back. they said that he picks up his head and pushes up with his right arm like a push up. there might be a little leg kicking that helps him too, but either way he rolls himself over. i know that he is too young for it to be intentional. i am just glad that i have witnesses so that you all don't think that i am exaggerating his strength.



Anonymous said...

So funny about your feet Michelle. Kids tell it like it is! Tell Matt he needs to babysit the darlings and you need to splurge and get a pedicure. I'm thinking I need to do that for my birthday next week. Loved seeing Mason and Maddie today. Nana G.

Grandma Z. said...

Grandma didn't get to see the roll over but Big Pop confirmed that it did happen. Big Pop and Grandma enjoyed their pedicure, becoming a Wisconsin tradition. Mommy's feet looked pretty good to me!!