yesterday was my first day alone with both kids. matt had to go to work for few meetings and madelyn, mason, and i just hung out at home all day. i actually got a lot done during the day. madelyn spent the morning drawing on a new easel (that she got as a present from mason) and playing out in her sandbox while mason hung out with me in the office. i was finishing up something for work and trying to get my list together for baby announcements - which i got out too, by the way.
i didn't really have a good way to get both kids out for a walk because we still don't have a double stroller (i have been hesitant to get one) and madelyn has been insisting on riding her bike on our walks. so last night i decided to try out my new moby wrap. and i love it!! i don't really find the baby bjorn style carriers comfortable and didn't really have luck with the sling we got for madelyn. so i have been reading up on reviews for wraps and it was almost unanimous for the moby wrap. it is so comfortable and versatile - i highly recommend it. i wore it today when i took madelyn to the park by myself (matt is still working on staining the deck). i was able to 'wear' mason and pull madelyn in the wagon (today's transportation of choice).
this morning we were all sitting around reading (books/newspaper) and madelyn decided to read one of my books. in case you can't see the title it is toilet training in less than a day. she was telling me about the illustrations of kids putting a doll on a potty. i told her that it was a book on potting training before she started 'reading' it and she was eagerly looking at the pages even though there weren't really many illustrations. i would say that currently her interest in bodily functions peaks when we are outside of the house and there is potential for a public restroom. when we are at home she just wants us to change mason's diaper. she will come to tell me that "mason/brother needs a clean diaper" even when his diaper has already been freshly changed. love.
I am actually on hold at the library for that book! I've been trying to get it for months now! Tell me what you think of it:)!
How nice that she has been sharing friend with Mason and that she found a friend for him. I wish I could be there to see Maddie and Mason. Thank you for your blog!!
Nana G.
How sweet! Is that the bear? Mason looks so content. You are doing a great job!!Maddie amazes me.
Mason looks like he's grown already. So nice Maddie gave him his own friend. Its funny. I know he's only a week old, but I feel like he's always been here. Which Moby wrap did you get? I hadn't heard of that one before and I think we've tried every other holder with no luck.
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