she was speaking so softly in the video that i was able to get that i tried to repeat everything she said. she isn't really interested in talking while trying something new and was asking me not to use the camera on her so i am lucky to have gotten the responses that i did. i think that she liked the dipping more than the actual painting.
she is so good about managing her crying. we will often give her the choice to stop crying (really its just a form of whining, not pain or real crying) or to go to her bed because we don't want to hear her cry. she will tell us that "maddie/i stopped crying" when she does turn it off or she will be whining/crying and tell us that she is going to her bed/room or that she is tired and going to sleep. i have to suppress laughter sometimes because she really makes a choice about how she wants to handle each situation. love.
The "choices" sound a lot like the Love and Logic technique we use with the boys...it's so fulfilling when they choose to stop their poor behavior!
Way to handle the whining! We may have to try that - goodness knows we get PLENTY of whining around here.
Mema will love that Maddie is beginning her artistic talents!Very good for a 2 year old.
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