the kids were more than willing to help vacuum it all up. they actually did a pretty good job too.
they were busy being best buddies for most of the day. they usually get along pretty well most of the time and really enjoy each other. some days just have more individual play or actual fussing at each other. thursday was just a good day for together play for both of them - with the exception of the cous cous.
later in the afternoon i found them riding the rocking horse together. and, yes, they are still wearing jammies (or nothing in mason's case) in the afternoon. thursdays are generally an at home day because i have meetings starting early every thursday. you might notice in the video that mason seems to not mind when madelyn falls off...

after work it is time for ballet. madelyn was not interested in going at all and cried most of the way there. i bribed her with a 'treat' if she didn't cry all class (she was telling me that she was going to cry during class - no reason). she loved class and was very happy to have gone. she just gets in an odd mood sometimes where she likes to pretend that things are scary or sad for no real reason.

after work it is time for ballet. madelyn was not interested in going at all and cried most of the way there. i bribed her with a 'treat' if she didn't cry all class (she was telling me that she was going to cry during class - no reason). she loved class and was very happy to have gone. she just gets in an odd mood sometimes where she likes to pretend that things are scary or sad for no real reason.
mason likes to sit in the plastic chairs and wait for her to be done. this week he was so cute wearing his hoodie, swinging his legs, and happily looking at the picture of he and madelyn on my phone that i had to take a picture. i think he just figured out that it can be fun to sit and swing his legs this week because he has been doing it a lot and laughs about it. love.
Love to see them playing together so nicely and having so much fun!
Woot woot for siblings playing so well together! Hopefully they keep it up after MLG3 comes. What a simple thing to take for granted- the joy of swinging your legs. :)
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