Tuesday, October 19, 2010

full term

i am considered full-term now that i am 37-weeks. i went in for my weekly check-up this morning. for the first time, in any pregnancy, i measured bigger than how far along i was in the pregnancy. he must have had a major growth spurt in the past week! i was measuring 38 or 39 weeks and last week i measured 36 weeks. i think that i am up like two pounds for the past week too.

i am 1-cm dilated. the doctor assured us that she didn't see any reason for matt not to take his scheduled trip next sunday, monday, and tuesday. she said that if i was 3-cm she might recommend that he not go but she thinks i will make it another week or two. matt and i are a little concerned about his trip given that i wasn't even dilated the day they admitted me with mason and he was born in about 5 hours. but i just looked back at my 39-week post with mason and i was 2-cm dilated 6-days before i was admitted. the doctor said that if i have a lot of contraction activity this week she would be happy to check me on friday so that matt could make an informed decision about his trip.

i am really feeling this pregnancy, physically. it is really limiting my usefulness beyond supervising and feeding the kids. matt and i are both really ready for the baby to be born but i am hoping to make it past halloween - ideally until november 3 when my vacation/maternity leave starts. i have had a few periods of decent contractions but nothing too concerning. funny enough they seem to come on sunday nights.

the picture is from today. i was spent and anxious to lay down. matt had just gotten home and was trying to eat some dinner but i was determined to get a picture since we didn't take one after last week's appointment. love.


Witenkling Mommy said...

WOW! You are big! and still look great :) Happy to hear all is still going well with the latest MLG. Hears to an uneventful at least eight days :)

Our family said...

I think you look ready to have a baby! I hope he waits until Matt is back and that the next week or two aren't too painful for you!