Friday, August 22, 2014

hitting the trail

matt took today off to prepare for his mom's arrival this afternoon. he went out for a 10 mile run (1/2 marathon training) after breakfast. after the boys and i got madelyn on the bus, we went out for a ride/walk on the trail ourselves. daddy surprised us by running up while we were enjoying a coffee (for me) and a doughnut (for the boys) at starbucks. the boys had both wiped out at some point during our ride to starbucks but were troopers.

we took a longer way home and took a break when we saw something interesting.  first we stopped to watch football practice for the local university.
then we spent some time in an empty little league parking lot. since it was empty and next to no chance of any cars having a reason to pull in, i let the boys ride anywhere they wanted. they did circles around me, we all did some splash-y loops through a big puddle (i would give the stroller a good push through the middle and run around the outside so that my shoes wouldn't get soaked through) and they raced each other a little.
we saw this swan on the baseball field and couldn't figure out the reason. matt explained that it was to keep the geese off!
all in all, i think we went almost 3.5 miles. it has been a long time since the boys and i have done it on our own and i was pretty impressed with their stamina. we will be doing this a few more times before it gets too cold.

daddy beat us home.


1 comment:

Witenkling Mommy said...

I want a trail. It is such a bonus for your property and being able to be outside and active with the family.