we have had a few inches of snow on the ground for a while, but the weather has just been SO cold that they haven't been able to get out and play in it at all. this has been a major bummer after getting a new sled, snow forms and snow markers for christmas. but today was going to be warm enough to have a little fun. (manning chose to take a nap instead. he absolutely refuses to wear warm clothes - he just doesn't think it is cold out. crazy kid!)
the big kids had a wonderful time and played until the sun started to go down (because then it just got really cold). the snow was still a little too dry for packing or snowballs, but they did manage to get a few snow bricks to come out of the forms - and then kicked them to bits. love.
Fun! Reminds me of the beach ( the forms). Does manning nap because he wants to nap or because he chooses it as alternative to not being in the snow?
it is usually that he cries himself into exhaustion during the discussion about needing snow pants, boots and a coat to play in the snow. that and that we usually go out after lunch (when it is warmest). he goes to lay down to collect himself and falls asleep. Sometimes he does just choose it though.
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