while she was feeling well today she did one of her favorite things - 'read' books in her room. then she decided that she missed her shoes while i left the room for a minute and got up close and personal in her sock/shoe drawer.
to distract her from the teething pain i was going through some friends' blogs and playing videos

there was another word first with daddy tonight during bath time. we always drain the water from the tub with maddie still in it and tell her to say "bye-bye" to the water when we open the drain. matt said that when he did it tonight maddie gave a little wave and whispered "bye-bye". he was all excited because this was a first just for him.
maddie has also started to do fake laughing for her own amusement or to get our attention in the car. she was doing it today while looking out the window into the backyard so i got the camera. when it starts she is licking the window and trying to bite it (there is a little 'fur' for the track that she is fascinated with right now).
saturday after playgroup we stopped by jcp to pick up our pictures from the not so great photo session. and i scanned them today so that you all could take a look.
and that led to the first that i hope never happens again (but somehow i know that it will) - maddie puked in public. she had been doing great for two days and i just didn't see it coming. i am pretty sure that we just over did it at playgroup with the 'treats' after so many days of just liquids and it upset her stomach, but still! we had just gotten her in the high chair at the restaurant for lunch with dad and it just kept coming and coming. i didn't even realize how bad it was until the lady at a table next to us offered her napkins. i pulled the high chair away from the table and saw the full extent of the damage. i didn't know what to do. i couldn't take her with me and matt was up ordering our food. so i was just yelling "matthew" over and over in the calmest, loud voice i could muster. he finally turned around when i used his full name. the restaurant employees could not have been nicer about the clean up. one busboy was so sweet that he offered us a clean high chair. i politely declined stating that we would be leaving now (matt got our food to go). so we left with lunch and a striped down to the diaper maddie. we did get a few looks on the way out... love.
1 comment:
OH YUCK! Sounds like you handled it pretty well, though. I can almost picture you there with a puked-covered table/chair/Maddie, 'calmly yelling "matthew"' :)
Hope that was a last for sure.
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