Thursday, May 15, 2008

Soooo Big!

we have been taking turns being sick around here. madelyn was sick tuesday and wednesday, i was sick yesterday and today, and matt's turn started today. luckily, madelyn and i are on the upside but madelyn still isn't really eating solids again yet. she did lots of resting while watching veggietales and drinking her milk to rehydrate. luckily, madelyn has handled this all really well and has napped more than normal so that i can rest too.

on top of being sick, her molars started cutting through her gums - on both sides of her top jaw! she has been chewing on her fingers, her toothbrush (in the picture), the remote control, teething rings - really everything! and cried while doing it. i can feel the ridges of her molars, but can't get a look at them or feel long enough to tell which location they are in. i can just feel long enough to know that they are there.

but madelyn did manage to learn a new trick while she was sick. i ask her how big she is, she will raise her arms up over her head. i got her to do it for the camera - finally - but she was standing with a hand on the windowsill so she only raised one arm. you will still get the general effect.

i did manage to get her to do it once with both arms, but then she got distracted by her toys so don't feel like you have to watch the whole things - she only does it once at the beginning.

hopefully, we will all be better soon. love.

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