while i was putting her in the car she started screaming bloody murder. there weren't that many cars in the parking lot so i didn't really worry about it until i closed the door and noticed that the girl who had checked us out had come outside and was staring at me. i just sort of smiled and got in to leave. all i could think was that she must think that i am the worst mother for abusing my child so she would scream like that. oh well - given maddie's stubborn nature i had better get used to these experiences.
she just really had a rough day. her naps were off and that put her meals off and her molars were bothering her and then she fell off the couch and then we went to take pictures and then ran errands, and you get the idea.
on the food front - she is finally past all allergy risks. she had peanut butter on wheat bread at dinner last night and that was the last allergen (well besides egg whites). it is really exciting because now she can eat where ever we are when out and about. tonight we picked up dinner for daddy (he is still at work right now) and took it up to the hospital so that he could spend some time with maddie. anyway, i was able to order her a meal from the kids' menu! (veggie and chicken stir fry with brown rice - no sauce)
Trust me! We all have stories like that. I had a full cart of groceries at WalMart one day and Trae & Reece both decided to throw a fit. When I finally realized that WE were one of 'those people' that you complain about in walmart, I picked up the boys and left the cart right where it was - frozen foods and all. You gotta do what you gotta do :)
And it is nice when they can eat from the menu :) Well, nice in the conveniency department, maybe not so nice in the $$ department :)
And don't forget about nuts -- she still can't have actual nuts until at least 3.
I think we've all had moments like that! I think we're too hard on ourselves. Other moms surely understand. People without kids, now they may think we're mean mommies... I love being able to feed Lorelai from our plates. I'm hesistant about her own kiddie meals yet because she seems to change tastes so often AND she seems to want whatever we're having. This way is also cheaper and I eat less. When she has her own meals, I tend to eat some of hers, too :)
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