Thursday, May 8, 2008

ridin' and readin'

madelyn was very cute reading her book in the car today when we ran out to the post office (the price of stamps go up a penny on monday). i had to pull over to snap a picture with my phone. she usually just ends up chewing on them in the car but today was a 'reading' day! (and, yes, her car seat now faces forward. her legs were no longer touching the seat because she was so squished up and we couldn't get the straps to tighten securely. plus, she had learned how to push off the backseat to make it next to impossible to strap her in when she was tired or hungry.)

what else is new with maddie? she is getting better and better with feeding herself. she will take the spoon from me when i hand it to her and put it right into her mouth without spilling anything. it takes a little bit to get it back because she needs to get a few chews in before she is ready for me to load it up again. she also loves bouncing! i go to get her when she wakes up and she sits right back down on her mattress and bounces for her own amusement. she crawls away and even reaches back for the crib when i do pick her up because she wants to bounce some more. and the crib is not alone, she also likes to bounce on the couch or anything else cushy. similarly to bouncing, she can also rock herself in the glider in her room. she climbs up in it, sits down and pushes back with her body to make it rock.

babies' finger nails grow like crazy! but maddie hit a new personal best. i cut her nails yesterday because they were crazy long after only three days since her last nail clipping! usually once a week is enough, but twice in one week is crazy. she must be having a growth spurt. neighbors are always asking how old she is when we are at the park because of how tall she is getting (and because she is an active little monkey - climbing on everything).
(there have been less videos and pictures lately because i can't take my eyes off her for a second and when i do have the camera handy she is all over it. hopefully, i can get some new video this weekend when daddy is here to distract her.)

1 comment:

Becky said...

I love that crawling picture - sooo cute :)