Saturday, December 27, 2008
home bound
strong, milk, puddle, water, hug, helping, stickers, and cereal were the new words that i jotted down today and wanted to capture on the blog. love.
Friday, December 26, 2008
the day after

she was so cute dancing to one of her toy's music today that i had to share. she was so happy jamming to it! she wasn't really playing with it, but wanted to keep it on for the dance beat. i think you can tell how big her smile is in the video.
she went strong until daddy helped her with lunch and made our first attempt at nap time. thankfully, she went down without a fight and napped for about 3 hours. she was a little bit out of sorts from the long nap when she woke up, but after some milk and rudolph, she was ready to run errands with daddy and mommy. her new thing is to say "out" when she is done riding in the car. it always makes me laugh because she just thinks of it all of the sudden like "oh, here is my stop - let me out".
other words to mention - heavy, cake, stool (as in step stool), mug, and play. love.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
merry christmas!

christmas eve

madelyn had a really good day and wore her santa outfit (thanks, nana) until it was time to get ready for church. she had eaten apple sauce with her breakfast (at her request) and was a mess. so she took a shower with mommy before getting into her christmas dress. she ate two cups of apple sauce and was still

her words for the day were "hey" and "sunshine". she just kept saying "hey, hey" all day. sometimes it was for "hi" and sometimes in a "hey come here" kind of way. i think that she got that one from daddy, but i have noticed that i say it more than i thought i did since she started saying it. and then she was requesting that i "sing" a song about the "sun". the only one i could think of is "you are my sunshine". madelyn loved it! she would lay her head on my lap when i would start singing it and look me in the eyes. i don't know why this song makes her so cuddly, but it was enough to get me to sing it like 30 times. and then i decided that i couldn't just sing to her all day - it was nap time.

she didn't believe me that we were going to church at night. i would say "are we going to go to church tonight?" and she would say "no". while we were getting ready after maddie's nap, i let her watch "the grinch that stole christmas" (cartoon version). i wasn't sure that she would like it, but she loves her dr. seuss books so i thought that it was worth a try. she loved it! when the grinch first gets the idea to steal christmas and gets that evil grin on his face, madelyn said "uh-oh"! she was really into the songs and everything.
at church they were only doing childcare for kids 3 and under, so i thought that we would try bringing maddie in the service - at least for the singing. she was dancing and loving every minute of the songs and lights. it was cute because she would look around with this big smile on her face and then it would fade and her dancing would slow in a "why aren't any of you dancing" sort of way. but then she would look back at the stage and get right back into it! the girl loves to dance! once the actual message part of the service began, matt ran maddie to the nursery were there were a ton of kids to play with! he said that she never even looked back.
after church we picked up some chinese food and headed home. after a quick dinner maddie went straight to bed so that matt and i could get ready for "santa". it only took matt two hours to put together the play kitchen and we

and here is a picture of all our hard work ready to greet madelyn first thing on christmas morning! i love surprising people and was really looking forward to the look on maddie's face when she saw all the new additions to the gifts under the tree (most of which are from grandparents). love.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
there is one book she likes to "count" in particular - a bug book. it is colorfully illustrated, but the text is only the number and the insects' names. after five times through or so i start to have a difficult time bringing enthusiasm to the counting.
similarly to the repetitive counting, we also have to repeat the names for the seven dwarfs (a la snow white) when we get to that page of the story. she just keeps saying "again", "again". love.
18-month check-up

madelyn was so friendly at the office that her doctor commented on it because she said that it is unusual in an 18-month-old to be that friendly to strangers. there was a male college student shadowing the doctor and madelyn greeted them warmly with a wave and a "hi" as she ran up to show them the puzzle pieces she had been playing with while we waited. anyway, here are her stats:
height - 35 inches (99.6 percentile)
weight - 28lbs. 6oz. (92 percentile)
head circumference - 41.9cm (97 percentile)
her height/weight combo (equivalent to a body mass index) is around 62% which made her doctor really happy since she has been at like 30%. and it is definitely not from a lack of appetite! i think that she has just finally caught up with her growth rate. the summary of the appointment - she has been amazingly healthy and is doing great developmentally.
so we had another really great day today. whatever has been bothering her seems to have passed. her doctor said that it was good that we gave her motrin which made me not feel so guilty for giving it to her in the first place. but hopefully we will have many more days of happiness to come.

the first picture of the post is of madelyn and her precious jar of cherries i mentioned a few days ago. she was starting to get frustrated because i wouldn't open it, but for the most part she just carries it around.
so much is going on right now, i have to summarize in bullet points:
- for father's day i got matt a kid's set of golf clubs for him to use with maddie for $1 at target. they have used them every day for the past week. madelyn has also added to her daddy's enjoyment by saying "golf" and "club".
- yesterday madelyn and i headed out on the only day this week that isn't supposed to snow to buy some groceries and goodies for christmas. first we went to the organic market for some of maddie's foods. they have little kid sided grocery carts and i decided that madelyn and i would give one a try. she did so great! it went even better than i could have imagined. i would point something out and madelyn would get it and put it in her cart. she even did a really great job of making sure not to run into anything in the aisles. after that we went to the "regular" grocery store for the rest of our shopping. again we tried a new cart style - this time it was a firetruck shaped one maddie could ride in. i normally don't go for these specialty types of things, but i knew that this would be one of our only trips outside the house for most of the week and wanted to make the most of it.
- for about the past week madelyn says "up, up, up" when we drive up a hill. she might have been doing it longer, but it took awhile for me to figure out that she said it when we were driving up a hill. i just thought that she was just saying "up" over and over for her own amusement. she even says it when there is a hill in a cartoon. we have gotten her to add a "down" after we reach the top of the hill.
- tonight at dinner maddie was being really happy and when daddy asked if she was good today she replied "yes" and "good" - another new word - before busting out in hysterical laughing. after several more "good"s, i asked her if she were silly and "silly" was added into the mix of "good" and laughing. dinnertime is so much fun!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
last one of the day
that's it. i am going to bed. love.
christmas card pictures

most of her "big sister" pictures were filled with tears and any that were happy were very blurry. as you may have guessed, madelyn does not like to hold still unless she is asleep. here are some of the best of the rejects.

we got some cute ones while daddy played peek-a-boo with her, but we couldn't read the shirt in those which was key to our christmas card announcement.

it is cold, very cold, outside!

madelyn and i were looking at the nativity set on our dining room table (she now says "jesus", but more about that in a minute) as we do pretty much every day. she called for daddy to come see too. so while daddy was busy i was looking outside at the snow blowing all over the place. that was when i noticed condensation on our deadbolt from the extreme cold outside and the relative warmth in our house (a toasty 68 degrees). then matt pointed out that there was some ice hanging off the knob. we took the santa off (it has bells and hangs on the doorknob) and there was frost on the door knob! frost inside the house! we then noticed it on a few of the window moldings too. the wind is just that cold outside. this was a first for us and made us that much happier that we decided to stay home and indoors today.
but poor matt will have to brave the extreme temperatures tomorrow morning as he shovels the driveway and sidewalk before work. you only have 10 - 24 hours (we have conflicting information) to clear sidewalks after a snowfall before getting fined by the city so it has to get done. i thought that the 100+ inches of snow we had last year would have broken matt down to buy a snow blower, but he is determined to shovel this year too. it just says that it is good exercise, but it is pretty miserable.
the good news is that we are guaranteed a white christmas this year! we are supposed to have some more snow on tuesday too. the problem now is where to put it...
now back to maddie. i have been such a slacker with my posts lately because of all the holiday preparations, a stomach bug i caught from matt, and just being too tired at the end of the day. on days i don't post, i at least try to write down some of the things that madelyn says and does so that i can record them later. here are some quick notes and stories:
- the nativity set is one of madelyn's favorite christmas items in the house (second only to the tree - it does have lights). at least once a day, she will go over to the table and call out "mommy coming" ("coming" means come here). once i come she says "sitting" and then points to the set saying "jesus sleeping". our set is shaped so that baby jesus can lay in mary's arms or lay in the hay. madelyn loves this! she will say "sleeping" "in bed" and after i move the figure, she will say "arm" while patting her arm for me to move it back to mary's arms. she can also say "ox" and "angel" most of the time. she loves it so much that i bought her a little set at sam's for under $5 to keep in her room. she has also started to give air kisses to every figure in the set. she directs a kissing noise at each figure and then hugs the table (because she isn't allowed to touch the figurines).
- i guess dinner is the only time madelyn notices that her diaper is dirty. we were eating dinner the other night and madelyn stood up on her chair and said "wet" a few times. she normally only says "wet" to refer to splashing us in the tub or spilling her water, so i was a little confused. then i asked if her diaper was wet - "yes". and then she said "yes" she wanted me to change it! and off we ran to her room for a dry diaper.
- madelyn enjoys spelling. her favorite is "a-e-s". of course this spells nothing, but it is her favorite combo of letters. she will often repeat them over and over to herself as she is playing or just walking around. as her vocabulary grows matt and i have been spelling more and more to talk to each other without using 'trigger' words. we were talking about what the babysitters would need to do for maddie while we went out on saturday night and i spelled "e-a-t". without missing a beat madelyn said "eat"! while i am a little doubtful that she can spell already, wow!, that is quite a coincidence!
- a jar of maraschino cherries has become her favorite thing in the pantry. she gets them out and carries them around. today she ran back to the kitchen to get them before going to her room for "books" before nap time.
- she has a lot of new words. here are a few worth noting: circle, junior (veggietales character), diaper, cat, yellow, blink (as in the lights blink), sun, light, star, empty, shower, and snack (it finally sounds like snack and not sex - hooray!).
another snowy day

madelyn and i spent the day inside. mainly because of the snow, but also because matt only shovelled his side of the driveway so i couldn't have left even if i wanted to. later in the afternoon the snow had stopped and the wind had let up so i decided to take maddie out to shovel up the couple of inches that had fallen since matt had left for work. unfortunately, matt had taken the shovel with him in his car so that he could shovel his way back in when he got home. at least i thought about helping matt out.

the snow was really too deep for madelyn's enjoyment. it was even difficult to pull her sled because the snow was so powdery and deep. plus, whenever she would try to walk in the deeper snow she would fall down without being able to get back up on her own. but even with all this she threw a fit when i stripped her down to go inside.
she did say "snow" for the first time while we were talking about how much there was on the ground. love.
a day off?

i had hoped to get all the wrapping and boxing done for our shipments while madelyn napped, but 2-1/2 hours later i was barely halfway there! madelyn was really helpful with the wrapping. i would wrap something and she would put it in the bag for where it was being shipped. the wrapping must have looked like fun because madelyn tried to wrap herself up in the paper. then she spent some time working very hard to carry the extra rolls of paper around the house before building towers with the ribbon spools. like i said, she was her normal, delightful, helpful self.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
guess who?

the baby is due june 27 and i am officially past the 12 week mark. we are hoping that it won't come too close to madelyn's birthday (june 22). this pregnancy has been a lot worse that my first trimester with madelyn. as expected, it is totally different and of course i don't get any chance to nap like i did when i was pregnant with madelyn. i would basically sleep all weekend long - obviously, that was not an option this time.
more details will come later. love.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
new indoor play

warning - diapers come off
so i laid her on the floor, put her in a new diaper and pajama pants, and then surrounded her with all the animals from her bed who had been spared the dampness. she laid there looking at me totally motionless while i got her ready, striped the bed, disinfected the mattress, dried it off, and put on a clean sheet. she did say "mommy, don't leave me!" when i went to get the disinfectant (clear as a bell too), but showed no sign of movement when i came back with it.
i put her back in her now dry bed and she never gave another peep. lesson learned. love.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
yet another indication that i might not be able to wait until spring to start her training. love.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
sitting with santa

the line was a little long, but they had animated windows and christmas movies playing throughout the line and it didn't seem all that long of a wait. at least madelyn didn't seem to mind waiting. while in line madelyn noticed santa's thomas the train shirt ("choo-choo") and we talked about sitting with him and showing her teeth when she smiled. the second it was our turn madelyn took one look at santa and backed up four steps! he was a really good santa too, real hair and beard. i have never seen madelyn hold so still for so long. it was like she was in shock. zero expression, zero movement, she was just staring straight ahead. i overheard someone in line say that she looked like she was going to cry. at least she didn't cry and she did look at the camera. it could have been worse. the picture here is the one i took after they finished with the official pictures so it isn't as 'good' as the one they took for us.

by the time we left, madelyn was done and ready for bed. although she perked right up after getting home and had some silly fun in the kitchen with daddy before bedtime. love.
girl's dinner party

matt and madelyn spent some time playing basketball in the basement while i was gone and matt suggested that we take the three girls down to run around a play for a while. i don't think that any of them really got that it was basketball they were playing, but they had so much fun running around chasing the balls and screaming/laughing. and occasionally they would try to shoot a basket. i wish that i had the camera with me, but i didn't. luckily no one got hurt and everyone had fun.
at least no one got hurt playing in the basement. madelyn tripped an slammed her forehead on the coffee table. and this only figures because we were planning on taking family picture on saturday morning (i know, i know, i am SO behind this year). it definitely left a mark, but it could have been a lot worse. she quickly shook it off and got back to playing, so everything was fine.
all the girls finally went down around 9, even though none of them wanted to stop playing. all and all, we had a great evening. love.
back home and catching up

i got to talk to madelyn a few times on the phone while i was gone. it is so nice that she can actually talk to me and answer my questions on the phone. it makes it that much easier (or is it harder) to be away. matt said that she called out for me during her bedtime routine which is a little weird since matt does bedtime, not me. anyway, i guess some night she was very sad that i wouldn't come when she called out "mommy". (she calls us "mommy" and "daddy" now. i love it!) he also had some trouble with getting her to take off her hippo pjs in the morning. something made her decide that she loves them and could not be away from them for even a moment. (she is wearing the top in the picture.)
i was so worn out and also trying to play catch up that i ran out to grab lunch so that i didn't have to figure out what was in the house (matt did the grocery shopping after i left last weekend). the closest place to the house is mcdonalds so madelyn had her very first happy meal. i went with chicken nuggets even though she almost never eats meat. for a while she just dipped them in the bbq sauce as a way of eating the sauce, but then she actually ended up eating most of them. she of course enjoyed her apple juice and a few french fries. the highlight of the happy meal, of course, was the toy. madelyn loves her my little pony figure - mainly because it came with a comb. madelyn loves that "pink comb".
here is some video matt took while i was gone of madelyn washing her hair. he puts the shampoo on her hand and lets her rub it around for a while before helping to make sure it really gets washed well. she also liked him to pour water above her so that she could put her head under the stream of water like she is in the shower but it was too much full body exposure to post to the blog.
here are a few other updates:
- madelyn says "cheese" when the camera is pointed at her. i don't know where she picked this up because i don't say it when taking her picture - or i didn't until she started doing it two weeks ago.
- i had mentioned in an earlier post that madelyn can say some of the letters in her name, well now she tries to say lots of other letters. she will say "a", "b", "c" when we get out her abc dr. suess book. and lately it has been as if she is spelling words - with random letters.
- she learned how to make kissing noises from staying with jason all week. so that was a nice treat to come home to.
- she has entered the repeating everything phase. usually i have to ask her, but it has been amazing how many words she really can say. i told matt that we really have to be on our toes now (not that we have any trouble with saying things we wouldn't want maddie to say) because you never know what she will repeat...
more to come. love.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
back online

the worst part of the outing was trying to get back into the car. i was struggling a little with my laptop case, diaper bag, holding maddie's hand, the falling snow (and the snow slush on the ground), and the limited mobility of being all bundled up. madelyn's hat refused to stay on correctly on the way out, so she was bare headed in the snow. now here is the worst part - we had just gotten to the car (after maddie had slipped and fallen in the wet slush and soaked her pants) when a lady came around the back of the car next to us and said "excuse me". her car was the one next to us and she had us step out of her way and wait while she slowly, very slowly, got into her car. i just kept wondering, who does that. who makes a mother loaded down with bags, with a small child wait in the snow while you take your sweet time getting into the car. and then she didn't even wait for me to get madelyn in the car before she started backing up. really it just makes me sad for her.
anyway, time-warner came out on friday morning and got us back up and running.
now back to the maddie updates. here are just a few of the latest happenings with maddie:
- when i count out numbers, she says "two" after i say "one". she also counts out "two, three" like she says "set, go" when she is about to do something.
- when i spell her name out with her alphabet blocks she points to and says the "m" and the "l". instead of "a" she says "ah"
- "apple" and "off" are the latest significant additions to her vocabulary.
- i was preparing broccoli (frozen) for dinner one night and maddie took a piece and started eating it. realizing that it wasn't as good frozen, she took her stool over to the toaster oven to "cook" it.
- i have shown how madelyn 'swims', but this week she has been laying down on the floor on her belly pushing herself backwards telling me that she is "swimming" or that she is going to "swim".
- madelyn fell asleep thrusday night on the way home from shopping (matt had a christmas party on friday night that we needed to find a gift for) so we decided to just put madelyn to bed without a bath. she actually did great getting out of her clothes and into her pjs without ever really waking up - in fact, she never made a peep. so since there was no bath, i had her take a shower with me in the morning. she was so funny. she has taken showers with me before, but she was really excited about it this time and kept running back and forth under the water giggling. she threw a little bit of a fit when it was time to turn the water off. but once out of the shower, instead of a towel madelyn headed straight for the next obvious choice - breakfast. i guess there is nothing like a shower to bring back your appetite. madelyn ran back to the table to finish off what was left of her cereal. i took pictures of madelyn sitting at the table eating dripping wet, but they were a little too racy for the blog.
- yesterday i was vacuuming and madelyn hides in the laundry room when i do (not that she is scared, it is more of a game), when i turned off the vacuum she started calling out "stuck". of course i thought that she meant herself, but then she came running out.
- madelyn's favorite game these days is "sleeping" and she likes for matt

as you can see, lots of indoor entertainment here. i am headed to chicago tomorrow and will be there until thrusday (work conference), so there probably won't be any posts for a while. love.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
"a lot"
when i came down to download the video i found that i also had some video from this morning as madelyn ate her first bowl of cereal with milk and a spoon. she did a lot better than the video shows and hardly spilled any milk, but you can get the general idea.
when she came out of her room this morning (around 8:30am and she had another 4 hour nap today) she went straight to the christmas tress saying "uh-oh" over and over as she examined it. it occurred to me that she was upset that the lights weren't on and thought that the tree was broken. i had to explain that we would turn the lights on when it got dark, but that the tree was okay. i just thought it was cute how concerned she was that the lights might not be working.
tonight she must have been missing daddy and wanting to go outside in the snow because she spent the evening trying to get me to put his snow clothes on her (they were out from him wearing them to shovel before work this morning). she could manage to get his gloves on by herself and was satisfied with that for a while, but then she wanted his pants and coat put on her. obviously the pants wouldn't work, but she did manage to keep his coat on for a while after i got it on her.
she also broke one of her toys tonight (on accident) and told us that it was "broken" and then said that it "broke". it was only a matter of time on this word since she has broken a lot of crayons recently in her zeal for coloring.
her runny nose continues, but it reminded me that she can blow her nose. granted she does it very softly when she does and blows through her mouth most of the time. but she will hold still when i ask her to blow her nose and makes the effort while i pinch and wipe. love.